Thursdays, 7:00pm-9:30pm: January 9-February 27
Put it all together. Use your improv skills to learn how to find connections through your improv scenes. You will learn how to interrelate your show through story, characters, themes, and games. This class will teach you multiple different kinds of long form shows so that the ensemble will have the tools to develop their own long form show. Forms that will be covered, but not limited to: La Ronde, Monoscene, Close Quarters, Deconstruction, Living Room, and The Armando. This class ends with a group performance for family and friends. All Students get into unlimited shows for free as a way to learn.
Cost: $240/ Early Registration $215 (Early Bird Registration Ends December 26)
Location: All Out Comedy Theater, 2525 Telegraph Ave. Suite B, Oakland, CA 94612
Class Size: 16 Maximum
Requirements: Improv 4 at All Out Comedy Theater