Level 4 - Advanced Scenework

Create active initiations and choices in a scene. Protect yourself and support your peers by making strong moves. Give yourself the skills to create a strong scenic base and build upon it so the opportunities are endless.

Skills covered are character, object work, environment, choices, point of view, emotion, patterns, finding the games within a scene, and more.

The session will end with an optional show.


Dates: Tuesdays, 7:00pm-9:30pm, March 11-April 29 (20 Hours)
8 week courses - 2.5 hours /class (20 hours)

Registration: $354/Early Bird Discount $330

Class Size: 16 Maximum

Requirements: AOC’s Level 3 or equivalent at another improv theater

Teacher: Conor Allen

Wellness: If you have symptoms of feeling sick the day of class, please stay home and contact your teacher.

Missed Classes: You can make up a class in another Level 4 or in the next session for free. You can also retake a whole session for 1/2 off.

All students will receive a student ID card during their session. This gives students access to watch as many shows for free while taking classes.